Providing Data Persisence on Prometheus Containers with NFS on Synology

Made some progress on one of my distraction projects over the past couple days. I’d been working on creating an Ansible role to deploy a Prometheus container with persistent data backed by NFS on my rPi cluster. Getting the NFS mount to work with Prometheus was a challenge. Relevant stanzas from the role’s main.yml:

	  - name: "Creates named docker volume for prometheus persistent data" 
			volume_name: prometheus_persist
			state: present
				type: nfs
				o: "addr={{ nfs_server }},rw"
				device: ":{{ prometheus_nfs_path }}"
	  - name: "Deploy prometheus container"
			name: prometheus
			hostname: prometheus
			image: prom/prometheus
			restart_policy: always
			state: started
			ports: 9090:9090
			  - "{{ prometheus_config_path }}:/etc/prometheus"
			  - source: prometheus_persist
				target: /prometheus
				read_only: no
				type: volume        
				env: strict

However I was getting permission denied on /prometheus when deploying the container. A redditor pointed me in the direction of the solution. Since NFS is provided by my Synology, I can’t set no_root_squash, but by mapping all users to admin in the share’s squashing settings, I could allow the container to set permissions appropriately. Progress!

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